Monday, September 23, 2013

Meet Wendy M. Schuffert aka Perci T. Brooks!!!

Hey there, welcome back to another Monday Mention. Today we bring to you the very talented Wendy M Schuffert, who goes by Perci T Brooks in her wonderful books. Please enjoy her interview, and stay tuned after for a blurb from one of her books. 


1.) Tell us what a day in the life of Perci T. Brooks is like.

2.) What made you want to start writing? 

The author R.L. Stine. I read his books when I was younger and I wanted to do that. I also wanted to write like him, but it never came out right. So my sister noticed I write young adult. So that’s in the same area as him.

3.) When writing, do you prefer silence or some kind of background noise?

I prefer to have background noise. Either the TV being on or listen to music.

4.) Morning person or night owl?   

Mid-day person with heavy leanings towards night owlery.

5.) Do you prefer to have a schedule or wing it? 

I like to wing it.

6.) When you have downtime from writing, what do you like to do? 

I enjoy reading (that includes also reading manga), cross stitching, hanging out with my sister, talking to my girlfriend, listening to music (such as Adam Lambert, Queen, Gackt, Dir en Grey, Super Junior, NU’EST, SHINee, Malice Mizer, Versailles, Jupiter, Kamijo, Moi dix Mois & many more) and playing with my cats.

7.) Do you make an outline or just write? 

I make an outline. I need to make notes for the things I write. It’s better that way for me.

8.) What advice would you give aspiring writers? Never give up on your dream. No matter what others may say.

9.) How do you come up with your ideas? I can easily get inspired by what I listen to and most of the time something just pops into my head. I just go with it.

10.) Do you like to base your characters on pure fiction or is there a little of real friends in them? 

Most of my characters are pure fiction and a select few are modeled after some of my friends.

11.) Do you have a favorite author and why?

 I got a few of them. 1: R.L. Stine, the man opened my eyes to writing and all I did was read a few books of his Fear Street books and that was what I wanted to do. I wanted to be an author like him, 2: Stephen King…The man got rejected so many times and he never gave up. He’s such an inspiration and 3: Lynn Flewelling of the Nightrunner Series. Her main 2 characters Alec & Seregil end up together as male/male couple and that inspired me to get mine published, because I wasn’t going to do it. I thought people wouldn’t read what I write.


Wendy M. Schuffert (who goes by Perci T. Brooks) is a California native who lives with her family, 4 cats & 2 dogs. She’s been writing since a young age & her older sister was the one who noticed her talent. Writing has helped her cope with her being hearing impaired & other medical issues. She’ll write what others won’t touch & has been told she’s ahead of her time, but her family & friends support her. She writes in the areas of young adult, paranormal, romance, LGBT & romance suspense.

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Perci's Goodreads:

Forced into sexual, submissive slavery at age 12, Mika, a half incubus/half vampire hybrid has only known humiliation and pain at the hands of his master. A powerful warlock capable of commanding the darkest magic, Douché will use any means necessary to keep Mika under his thumb.
Shrouded in mystery, Echo Delgado has kept a close eye on Mika for years,even feigning a friendship with the dastardly Douché. Timing is everything and this master vampire is far wilier than the demented wizard. But will he act in time to rescue his own destiny or will all be lost?

Thank you again for joining us, and stay tuned next Monday for more.  We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into another of our authors.

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